Monday, December 24, 2007

No stranger the bedfellow than others

Well, it’s official. I’m dating the guy I once called a “sleazy politician.”
You know the kind: the man drives a ridiculously nice car, wears Polo button-ups, studied politics at Georgetown.
Before I continue to sound so incredibly shallow, let me qualify this all by saying that in the past, I’ve tended to date with my heart: if he’s nice, interesting, and makes me laugh, even though he’s a slacker, I’m probably going to give him a chance if we hit it off or have continually enjoyed each other’s company.
Now, in my "wise" age, I'm shifting that open-heartedness somewhat, in a good way.
Sean isn’t generally the type of guy I go for, but I think that’s a good thing. I’m still dating with my heart, because I DO like him, but I’m also dating with my head-could I see myself spending time with this guy outside of a bar or as arm candy at a fundraiser?
Over the past week or so, I’ve found myself referring to him as my “boyfriend” among friends, so I guess the answer is yes.
I think he’s as surprised as me, because he keeps asking me about my past boyfriends and the skater/bartender/emo-kid lifestyle they embraced, but that’s sort of where the surprise ends.
He’s certainly got the good-looking thing going for him, we laugh all the time and he’s so fucking intelligent I can’t stand it. I want to have a real relationship with someone as driven and quirky as me, and if it’s taken me into the white-collar world of politics to find it, so be it.
To many, this isn’t really a revelatory thing, in the world of dating. Most of my friends are married (gak, it's true, at 25, most of my friends are already married!) to successful, intelligent, good-looking guys with ambition. But after mostly dating guys who need to grow up, for me, it’s kinda strange to be with someone so well put together.
I definitely didn’t anticipate it when we first started seeing each other regularly, but the man has managed to keep me interested and entertained for a few months. I guess he’s doing something right, or else I've finally learned what it is that I DON'T want, even if I still don't know exactly what I DO want.
I may sound like the most wishy-washy chick ever, but then, that’s another hard part. Now that I’m feeling like I might really be interested in him, I’m doubly freaked out.
I mean c’mon. The man is a political campaign manager. His JOB is to convince people to vote for his man, regardless of what it takes. I once called him “sleazy” for a reason, that reason being politics. And that’s the double-edge sword of my attraction. He loves his job and is good at it, but he loves his job and is good at it, and he’s a politician. They get the rap they do for a reason. This WHAT THEY DO. Get you to believe them, and before you know it, you’re going to bed with a sense of security and belief in their rhetoric and promises.
Or the politician himself.
Which is sort of where I’ve found myself at present and it’s not even January 3rd yet.

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