I can't help but be reminded of that Frank Capra movie, "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" as I watch all of the coverage surrounding Sen. Obama's South Carolina win last night. Hell, any of the coverage makes me think of that film.
James Stewart plays a very young and naive politician who get elected to Senate and immediately butts heads with the corruption of politics. He continues forth, dreams in his eyes and visions in his head, eventually getting the job done.
I think that it would be unfair to say that Sen. Obama is naive, and in fact, as I tell friends, his relative "youth" in the world of national politics makes him less open to the cronyism we'd see with Hillary in office. She's got lots of backs to scratch. Why is it that youth is considered to be such a bad thing? 
Last night, as Sen. Obama made his awesome speech (man the guy is articulate) from S.C., I watched in awe, feeling not "apathetic," as many youth are deemed these days, but moved and driven and ready to do whatever I can to help the cause and share his vision with others.
It's this motivation and belief in his countrymen and women (and our nation in general) that has gotten the man to where he is today, and I'm confident that he will bring about the change we're all looking for and desperately need.
As he said last night, we can't afford to go another four years without health care, education and decent wages.
(chilling our champaign outside the office in Iowa, a scant three weeks ago)
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