Friday, January 11, 2008

Ring's a round and rosy

“Oh god, my ring.”
There it was, translucent and obvious and out on the sheets for all the world to see.
Ok, it wasn’t all the world, it was just me and the boy, but still, it was clearly not where it was supposed to be. Oo. What would he say?
“You’re right. It does, uh, look like one of those glow-stick bracelet things.”

Now, my thoughts on birth control are that if you’re comfortable enough with somebody to see them naked and likewise share your self, then you should be comfortable enough to discus birth control options with them and deal with the facts of life that come along with preventing it.
Sean and I had discussed my preferred choice of birth control before I got on it again, but I wasn’t quite sure how he was going to feel if he a) felt it and b) if he saw it out of its natural environment.
“Do you have to, uh, do something with it?” he asked, looking at it with some curiosity, as if it were an eyelash curler.

After all, the NuVa Ring form of birth control is a small (maybe 2 inches?) in diameter ring of tubular plastic. Not tubular like the 80s, but tubular, like, well, one of those glow-stick bracelets we all wore in the 80s (it is pretty awesome though).
It’s obviously not like the patch, in that it doesn't stick to your body, and it’s not like the pill, because you don’t ingest it, but it does, in fact, nestle up inside ya.
Yep, that’s right. It’s like using an ob. Tampon except easier and much cleaner.
I decided on this form of birth control a couple of years ago, because it’s so low dose and so convenient. In that time, I’ve only had one other experience like this, and that boyfriend didn’t complain or get weird about it, but people are funny about sex and its accoutrements.
Not me.
appreciating Sean’s look of nonchalant interest, I scooped it up and rinsed it off in the bathroom. Thankfully, it was all over but the um, shouting by this point, so its appearance didn’t interrupt the mood.
And actually, the shouting had already happened too…

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