Saturday, May 31, 2008

Surreality calls

When Jay and I met, it was Christmas and it happened because he was home from California for Christmas, and my then-boyfriend Sean wanted to see his old high school buddy.
Sean called this morning while Jay and I were laying on the couch, and listening to Sean ask about me what um, sort of surreal.
"How long was Mars out there?" he asked.
"Oh, she's still here," Jay said. "We're finishing brunch, laying on the couch."
Silence. Then, "so did you see the new posting on"
I talked to Sean the day before I left, and when he asked me how long I'd be out here, I said, "oh, 'bout a week." I didn't want to tell him how long I'd be out there, why was it any business of his? More than it not being his business, it's just me feeling sort of strange about being somewhere in between these two now, even if they both act like I'm not, really. The whole thing felt weird to me then, when I talked to Sean, but laying on Jay's lap and listening to them talk about me was a moment of surreality unlike any other.

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