Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is my job

I am incredibly lucky.
For the past eight months, I've worked in my pjs, on my couch, in bed; coffee shops have been my office outside my home and business meetings have been conducted on the phone, never in person with anyone.
I am incredibly lucky, and it took a soft beam of early California sunlight for me to see this.
I'm in Cali on a whim, f'chrissake. Working. At my leisure. I have taken advantage of this situation as fully as possible, yes, but I have Taken Advantage of it.
When I started this project, this book, this healing, I meant to work on it for at least 5 hours a day.
"Even if I delete everything I write today in six months, I told myself, "I've got to treat this as a job. Write something for this book every day."
And for a while, when it was new and glamorous and exciting, I did. I even put in a few eight-hour days at the beginning.
But then I got comfortable and six months of time between me and my goal felt like such a long time. So I dicked around with my goal, barely meeting it. And maybe not meeting it at all, if you count the fact that I still have interviews and such to do. But whatever.
The point is, I realized this morning that my next goal is quickly approaching, even if September feels like a long ways off.
I've promised myself that by September I will have the interviews transcribed, stored, analyzed and integrated into the content of my story. I have no idea how that will come together or the formatting for it, but I have the commitment to it.
I think.
And that's why, dressed (no, not in my pjs!) and still focused on the sunny day outside, I'm devoting this day to really knocking out some usable, revised content. If this is my job, and I've only got until September to do it, I better get after it, because who knows what kind of work I'll have to do then.

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