Wednesday, April 23, 2008

If not perfect, then what?

Susan tells me that learning to use my power is about learning what I want and how to put it out there in the universe. Not that I'll know the particulars of what I want, but that a basic idea will yield basic results. Well, she's right, and I know that by now. It seems like I put something out there, get something back-- almost as I wanted it-- and then change my mind on the wisdom of said choice. Or I lose faith in that decision.
I had posted something about wanting a combination of each of the men I've dated rolled up into one perfect being right before Jay called me. I know that "perfect," as in 'without flaws,' doesn't exist, but I'd like to think that there is a man "perfect" for me out there somewhere. A precise amalgamation of all that I liked about each guy I've been with. I really like Jay and think that he's certainly got all that I'm looking for, at least what I know of him, but I'm suddenly thinking that if I'm close to finding him here, what downfalls of each will be wrapped up in the package? I'd be freaked out about this all if it didn't feel so right, so simple and easy.

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