Sunday, June 22, 2008

On Travel

As I wove through the congestion of humanity waiting for fries and shakes at the McDonald' near terminal 2's eighth gate, it dawned on me that I had only been in Chicago for 33 days this year. And the year had just crept into June.

I've made it up to a whopping 37 now, and it's almost July. Or close at least. Time to make one last rent payment on an apartment sitting mostly dormant. I could have applied all that money to more adventures....

But not lamenting this time spent away from the city- it's sort of like being in a coma- the world swirls on around you, you return, changed, different, and yet the same. And you hardly know what you've missed. Which can be hard. Believe me. This also applies to the world to which you return, yet I think it hardly notices an absense in your presence (while traveling, at any rate. Life threatening things like comas are another matter). I don't miss the time I've missed, but I am thinking that with all that time on the road I could have written a lot of travel articles, a lot of blog posts about the voyages. And I haven't done much of that, save the posts I made about Thailand back when that was still so new and fresh and present.

My goal is to do some more writing about that time in my life during the next few days in this time of my life. Wait for it, wait for it...

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